Switchbacks and Blisters

July 18th, 2020

Mile 100.2 to Mile 121.1

I was the first to wake up today, 6am as usual. I got moving by 7 and made it over a lot of the snow before it softened up. The others all hike faster than me so I figured they’d pass me as the day went on. We had rough plans to hike 20 miles and then go over Fire Creek Pass and a sketchy bushwhacking section together tomorrow. 

I suspected that Denver decided to take an alternate route when noon rolled around and he hadn’t passed me. I also worried that Lucas and Emily had left me too but when I was stopped for my lunch break around 2 they passed me! 

I stumbled upon them again a couple miles later where they were napping in the mossy forest right off the trail. They were surprised I hadn’t seen Denver and also suspected he took another trail after the post holing they did this morning. 

Most if the day was in the forest with gentle downs and ups. My dad texted me at some point today to check on me because my GPS wasn’t updating because of the trees. Sorry, Dad. I’m running about half a day behind my resupply schedule which means I’ll get to Steven’s Pass on Wednesday. I looked at my calendar tonight and realized that that is Mom’s birthday! Not sure if she’ll want to spend her birthday driving to me so I will need to reevaluate after tomorrow. 

The last three miles today were straight up a massive hill with literally a million switchbacks.

A screenshot of Guthooks. We came up allll those switchbacks.

I thought I was getting massive blisters on the bottom of my heels but after taking my shoes off I realized my whole foot is just slowly dying. I did manage to squeeze some juice out of the blisters on the back on my heels though. 

Now we are camped at the top of a mountain getting ready to go around Glaicer Peak tomorrow. I have an amazing view from my tent and I’m sitting watching the last of the sunset fade away as I write this. 

Coming up above the treeline to a stunning view really makes me remember why I’m out here. It’s a very magical place to be, even with dying feet. 

Tomorrow will likely be my last day with Lucas and Emily, they want to slow down their pace. I have four days of food left for 67 miles so I need to keep going. I’m very happy to have them with me for tomorrow though. It’ll be a big day!