100 Miles

April 30th 2021

Mile 94.4 to Mile 115

I hiked 100 miles!!! Woohoo!! Today was a big day. We got started right around 6am and I was flying this morning. I only had about a liter to get me 7 miles so I was also racing my thirst. Plus the heat. I knew I had to get it done before the sun really came out. We did have a nice sunrise though.

I made it 7 miles in about 2 hours (very speedy for me). I passed the 100 mile marker on the way. Soooo crazy!!
I filtered some water and got resettled. I started moving and found Rachel and her brother at the road. The brother was being dropped off by his partner and is doing the next few days through the weekend with Rachel. They had some fresh fruit and I got a banana! My first trail magic!
The next section was hot and exposed. I went through a cow meadow. There was a little creek though that I stopped at to stick my feet in. We did another 10 by 10 today! Weird Orange and AB caught me at the creek. They stopped with me for a bit and then I followed them to Eagle Rock. Which is exactly what it sounds like.

A hidey hole!

We had three miles to go to get to the road to Warner Springs and I was DRAGGING. It was so hot. We finally made it to the road and found some other hikers hanging out in the shade.
So, I know I’m supposed to be avoiding hitching but that will probably not be happening. It was so hot and I was so tired I was ready to hitch into Warner Springs. But I suppose bc of karma, we did not get a hitch. We walked in and out anyway. About a mile each way.

Road walk selfie wooohoooo!!

We found a ton of hikers camped out in a parking lot by a dumpster haha. In some shade. We got our resupply boxes from the PO and went to the gas station store. I got a coke, a Gatorade, and a whole big bag of Funions. There was only one woman working and she was soooo nice but I felt bad she had to deal with us smelly hikers.

The PCT views I came here for. Hiker trash and dumpster trash.

After consuming all my food, we lounged around in the shade and waited out the heat. I organized my resupply and we had a fun time trading and swapping food.

The only downside to the town stop was there was no bathroom. And I realllllyyyyy had to go dig a cathole or use a toilet by 3pm. A hiker asked the sheriff where could go to the bathroom and he said the bushes by the golf course were the best bet. Hah. I’m not quite at the hiker trash level where I’m willing to poop on a golf course in small town America so I pulled it together and got ready to go back to trail. A good idea I think, the other hikers were already coming up with some trail names for me.

We made it back to trail and walked again. I found a good spot to dig a hole. We walked about 6 miles to a lovely spot by a creek. I’m with Weird Orange, Jedi, AB, and one new girl (I forgot her name :(). Down the stream are Tom, Crusher, and Herb. The other three came over after dinner and chatted with us until the sun went down. Now it’s time to sleep. Its another 5am wake up call tomorrow.

Jedi getting set up to cowboy camp.
Weird Orange
My kitchen

One Reply to “100 Miles”

  1. Congrats on making the 100 mile mark! Can’t wait to see what the next 100 have in store. Aunt Sharon

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